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The history of color healing has its roots in ancient Egypt. Our most important energy source is light, and the entire spectrum of colours is derived from light. The energy relating to each of the seven spectrum colours of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet, resonates with the energy of each of the seven main Chakras/Energy centres of the body. Sunlight, which contains all the wave lengths, consists of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that we depend on to exist on this planet. Light flows through our eyes and triggers hormone production, which influences our entire complex biochemical system.

Color therapists will consider the way that we experience light and color when developing treatments. Colors are made up of reflected lights that hit our retinas as wavelengths vibrate. Color therapy is based on the idea that colors create electrical impulses in our brains that stimulate hormonal and biochemical processes in our body; these processes either calm or stimulate us.
Your color therapy session and the shades of colors used also will vary depending on the type of ailment that you are trying to correct.

We will always help you to treat all kinds of illness with the help of “ColourTherapy”.